Frequently Asked Questions

Who can receive Reiki?

Reiki is for everyone.  All life stages including pregnancy-hospice care, all disease processes, injuries, etc. Reiki benefits all. Pets are included as well.

What does Reiki feel like?

The experience is unique to the individual but common sensations that may occur can be a hot or cold feeling throughout your body, pulsating sensation in a particular area, a rumbling stomach, seeing different colors or seeing images. Many people experience a deep sleep and wake up feeling very peaceful and calm. You don’t have to “feel” something for Reiki t

Is Reiki a massage?

No. Hands are lightly placed on the body or a hover over the body.

 Do I have to lay on a massage table?

No. I also have a zero-gravity chair that can be used

How many sessions are needed?

Everyone is different in how they respond to a Reiki session. Wanting a session for pure relaxation is different than a session where there are issues relating to emotions, past traumas or anything that needs to be worked on. Deep seated issues are not resolved overnight. A general rule of thumb is 3 sessions spaced out 1- 1  1/2 weeks for anything that is mental, emotional, physical or spiritual. Some people like to have a mind-body re-set every other week or once a month. You will find what works best for you. If you feel you need to make a major life change, then I would recommend taking my Reiki Level 1 course.